Intermediate Tutorial

Drawing the Mechanical Part Picture!

In this tutorial, we will create a picture of a mechanical part.

  1. Loading the model in flat rendering.

    C:\ cd JOT_ROOT
    C:\ cd manual\tutorials\tutorial-2
    C:\ jotq

  2. Setting the background

    1. while in the the WYSIWYG NPR window, press v for bringing up Global Parameters

    2. Adjust color: Global Parameters->Background. Adjust hue (0.65), saturation (0.12), value (0.9), alpha (0.9). Check box Apply Paper to Bkg.

    3. Adjust paper: Global Parameters->Paper. Check box Active. Select p-cement-6.png in paper in Texture. Adjust brightness (0.6), contrast (0.3).

    Type v again to hide the Global Parameters window.

  3. Setting the basecoat

    1. Switch to basecoat editing mode. Click on Previous Mode to enter Basecoat mode. Click on the model to select it again.

    2. Add a toon shader: Base Coat Editor->Base Coat->Layer Editor. Select Toon and press Add.

      Select alpha_thin.png texture: Base Coat Editor->Base Coat->Texture and adjust alpha (0.5): Base Coat Editor->Base Coat->Alpha.

      Select Apply Paper Effect.

    3. Adjust lighting: Base Coat Editor->Base Coat->Toon Lighting.

      Select custom light L? and adjust lighting direction with Dir/Pos.

  4. Stylizing visible lines

    1. Switch to line editing mode. Click on Next Mode to enter Line mode. Click on a visible crease line (CRE_VIS) to select it.

    2. Select a preset line style: NPR Stroke Editor->Stroke Editor->Presets. Select preset mech-solid.

      Apply change permanently: NPR Stroke Editor->Line Plug-in Controls->Stylization->Style. Select Apply Current.

    3. Apply the same active style to silhouette lines: Select a silhouette line (SIL_VIS). Apply change permanently: NPR Stroke Editor->Line Plug-in Controls->Stylization->Style. Select Apply Current.

  5. Stylizing hidden lines

    1. Enable hidden lines: NPR Stroke Editor->Line Plug-in Controls->Line Types. Select See Thru, Sil-Hid and Cre-Hid.

    2. Apply style to hidden crease lines: Select a hidden crease line (CRE_HID).

      Select a preset line style: NPR Stroke Editor->Stroke Editor->Presets. Select preset mech-light.

      Adjust period of 2D texture: NPR Stroke Editor->Stroke Editor->Stroke Color/Texture. Adjust Period to 20 pixels (use arrow keys for fine adjustment).

      Apply change permanently: NPR Stroke Editor->Line Plug-in Controls->Stylization->Style. Select Apply Current.

    3. Apply style to hidden silhouette lines: Manipulate the camera to reveal a hidden silhouette line (SIL_HID). (Learn about camera manipulation). Select it.

      Mechanical part model with selected hidden silhouette line.

      Apply the same active style to hidden silhouette lines: Apply change permanently: NPR Stroke Editor->Line Plug-in Controls->Stylization->Style. Select Apply Current.

      Mechanical part model with new hidden silhouette line style.

  6. Done!

    Mechanical part model completed.