Keyboard Commands


Key commands are only accepted when the WYSIWYG NPR rendering window has focus! They are case-sensitive. Tab, Arrows and modifiers (Ctrl, etc.) affect GUI windows which have focus.

Global Commands

These commands operate under all modes.

Quit (q)

Terminates the application.

Save scene (s)

Save the entire scene to

Write mesh (w)

Write the mesh under the mouse cursor to

Next Mode (.)

Change to the next Editing Mode (e.g. Basecoat Edition Mode).

Previous Mode (,)

Change to the previous Editing Mode (e.g. Basecoat Edition Mode).

Render Mode Menu (M)

Toggle display of the Render Mode Menu. Allows global override control of various shaders. (Select Textured Patch to render with NPR stylization shaders/strokes.)

Global Parameters Menu (v)

Toggle display of the Global Parameters Menu.

Reset View (V)

Adjust camera such that entire scene fits in render window.

Toggle Animator Mode (X)

Engage frame stepping of exported animation (see Tutorial).

Change Selected Style (')

Cycles through various selection representations (e.g. wireframe, bounding box, etc.)

Toggle Repair (`)

Toggles whether or not system attempts to "repair" strokes with tight bends (work in progress...).

Toggle Paper Shader (p)

Toggles globally enabled/defeat paper shader.

Toggle Antialiasing (a)

Toggles full scene antialiasing.

Antialiasing Mode (A)

Cycle through the available Antialiasing Modes. (All of which are slow without a hardware accumulation buffer.)

Line Mode Commands

See section on Line Mode.

Edit Selected (h)

Edit the sketched offset stylization of selected line types.

Undo Sketch (Esc)

Remove the last mark from the current set of sketched offsets.

Apply Sketch (y)

Apply the current set of sketched offsets to the chosen line type, or generate decals.

Apply Current (u)

Apply the current stroke parameters (as seen in the Preview window) to the currently selected entity.

Get Selected (j)

Replace the current stroke parameters (as seen in the Preview window) with those of the currently selected entity.

Hatching Mode Commands

See section on Hatching Mode.


Animation Commands

See tutorial on Animation.

Toggle Animator Mode (X)

Engage frame stepping of exported animation (see Tutorial).

Back 1 Frame (4)

Step 1 frame backward.

Forward 1 Frame (6)

Step 1 frame forward.

Back 10 Frames (2)

Step 10 frames backward.

Forward 10 Frames (8)

Step 10 frames forward.

First Frame (5)

Go to first frame.

Play (/)

Play entire animation.

Stop (+)

Stop playing animation.

Toggle Sync (-)

When engaged, system time is synchronized with frame number. When disengaged, system time is interactive real-time.

Toggle Disk (*)

Toggle if playback causes frames to be rendered to disk. (Requires Sync Mode to be enabled.)